
Take out Da’ FUNK

Filed under: @ 5:20 pm

At some point last spring when I was dealing with some sort of major funk, I believe I mentioned that being flat out in bed is easier when one has a cat to share the experience.

Might I revise that opinion?

I’ve been down with a remarkably fast acting, but long lasting, FUNK since Friday morning. I’m to the point now where I can eat, and even to the point where I can watch advertisements for food without getting nauseated. I have, however, spent all but about two hours today asleep and since I’ve been awake for all of an hour now, it’s getting to the point where I need to go and take a nap for another hour or two before I’ll have the strength to sit up and eat noodles for dinner.

Over the last two and a half days I’ve been remarkably confusing to the cats. They, especially Pogo who is a heat suck, have been quite pleased to have me wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, but they’re not used to having me ignore them. And the feverish, and or drugged, stupor in which I have been conducting myself qualifies, in their mind as “being ignored”. Which isn’t to say they’ve not been helpful or sympathetic… in their own way.
Pogo has been trilling at me, convinced that all he needs do is to be cute enough and I’ll snap out of it. Also I keep turning over and finding fish in my bedding.

Okay, I said that to be dramatic, I couldn’t help it. Pogo and Flit have this bizarre passion for a pair of stuffed red and green plaid fish that someone gave us. They don’t jingle, they don’t crinkle, they don’t roll, but the fish are BIG FUN. And Pogo seems to think that I’ll feel better if he keeps bringing me fish.
Flit has, as in everything, been a little more laid back in her role as comforter. And she makes a great comforter, by the way, Flit RADIATES heat. Until this morning Flit had been satisfying her position as official sick room addition by sitting on my feet and purring, lying on my ribs and purring, and chewing on my hair and purring. Oh, I can’t forget the bit about wrestling with her brother over my knees and purring, that was a good one.
Until this morning.
This morning Flit decided that I’d laid around long enough and so I was woken from my mid-to-late morning mid-morning nap by Flit leaping up onto the end of the sofa and dropping her jingle ball on my head.
I probably created a bad precedent by throwing it for her.

I must be feeling better.

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