
Oh my yes, that’s MUCH better thanks!

Filed under: @ 9:05 am

As of today I’m back on working a four day week! Not as good as my previous twelve hours a day three days a week schedule, but far better than working five days a week.
So as of this morning for the foreseeable future Fridays are MINE baby. :mrgreen:

Actually what that probably really means is that Fridays I’ll be doing things like laundry, house and yard tidying, and running other errands. But it does mean that Saturdays are free and clear except for my — soon to be Andrew’s — acupuncture appointments and Sundays won’t be a mad fucker dash around the house catch up day.

With notable exceptions like spending Friday, February 24th at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show and, I have no doubt, spending at least a few Fridays futzing around in Susan’s garden as the weather improves and it starts to be cooperative gardening weather again.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I stayed employed full time through a period of terrific financial turmoil for my place of business and I’m forever grateful for it. But working in a profession where you’re balls out WORKING every minute of the day as soon as you walk through the door means that working every week day is really wearying and the two days off in between aren’t really enough to recharge sufficiently.

So now I’ve got to go and start some laundry, make a shopping list so I can get groceries and make carrot cake (no raisins), I’ve got a necklace that needs to go to a jeweler for repair, and I’ve been needing to have my car washed for at least the last two months to say nothing of replacing the bulb in the left blinker.

That is, if my cat will ever let me get up….. 😀

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