
Day 1 Of The 3 Day

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 11:13 am

Here is a link to pictures from Day 1 of the 2008 3 Day. Margaret is doing well, albeit with a sore little piggy on the right foot and her trademarked case of prickly heat of the tootsies. She is in good spirits and just drinking in the contact high. Girl Power!

2 Responses to “Day 1 Of The 3 Day”

  1. Dalek Says:

    The 3-Day organizers were positively *taunting* me this year. Not only did the route go along campus, it went *right past my building!* I found out mid-afternoon and went down for a while to cheer people on, but unfortunately did not see Margaret. I don’t know if I’ll get a chance to cheer again this time, but maybe I might squeeze something in tomorrow.

    Go Margaret!

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    If for some nutty reason you are at the Seattle Center ’round 3 or 4, I’ll be at Memorial Stadium on the West side, high up in the nosebleed seats where the vantage is good. 😉

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