
Not To Grind This Whole Thing Into The Ground….

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 8:17 am

…but here is a collection of some really awesome pictures of our President-elect.

Hooray for our side!

10 Responses to “Not To Grind This Whole Thing Into The Ground….”

  1. Gavin Says:

    Do we still get to call it the White House?

  2. SheriHi Says:

    Check out these pictures of our new President. http://digitaljournalist.org/issue0810/callie-bp.html. My two favorites: Obama cleans up after himself when no one is looking, and he refuses to pose with the Mickey Mouse ears.
    Hooray for a President who can pronounce ‘nuclear’!

  3. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Do we still get to call it the White House?

    I’m sure it’s just because I have had me head up my ass lately, but that is the first time I have seen that joke in “print”. Not that that makes it any less of a groaner. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Check out these pictures of our new President.

    I think my favorite is a tie between him napping on the campaign bus and the one with his feet up, showing those worn-out soles. No one spent a hundred and fifty G’s on those things! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Gavin Says:

    No one spent a hundred and fifty Gโ€™s on those things!

    Dude, $600 Million. Seriously.

  5. Uncle Andrew Says:

    I’m not getting you. $600 million: yes, that’s how much the Obama Campaign received in contributions. And therefore….? I know you’re not implying that the 150 grand of McCain campaign money Palin spent on clothing and gifts for herself and her family (plus the 60 to 100 thou she made McCain campaign staffers spend on their own personal credit cards) doesn’t count. Are you just annoyed that a presidential campaign needs that kind of money to consider itself successful? Well, me too, actually. But if money is a necessary evil in politics, I’m glad my side had enough of it. 8)

  6. Gavin Says:

    $150K is less than either party spent on lunches during the campaign. ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s trivial compared to the money spent on the campaigns, (about .03 %). It wouldn’t even buy you a condo here in California. Compared to the 580 houses you could buy with the money spent by McCain or the 1140 houses you could buy with the money Obama spent, it not even worth mentioning. The only reason it came up is that women noticed what she was wearing and wished they could get a shopping spree too. No mention is ever made about how much any of the men spent on clothing. No body mentions Hillary’s millions in debt losing the campaign, (you don’t think she bought clothes??). Nobody mentions Obama flying to Hawaii. Shame on her for dressing like a politician? Shame on us for pouring millions into these bozos pockets, (and I mean both parties).

  7. Uncle Andrew Says:

    No mention is ever made about how much any of the men spent on clothing.

    Sure someone did: I commented on how worn-out Obama’s shoes looked. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Nobody mentions Hillary’s campaign debt? Nobody except about 1800 online news articles this year. If no one dares mention these things out loud, then where did you come up with the hyperlinks?

    Not, “Shame on her for dressing like a politician”; shame on her for spending the money allocated to her for expensive gifts for herself and her family instead of what it was meant for. You’re right, Obama could have saved a lot of money by taking the Hawaiian Airlines red-eye to Honolulu (I don’t know off hand how much it would have added to the cost to take a full Secret Service entourage, and probably pre-double-screen all of the other passengers, but I’ll stipulate that it might not cost 400 grand), but heck, he had the jet right there. It’s not like he had to run out and pick one up at Saks just for the occasion.

    If you wanted to institute some sort of draconian campaign finance reform, I would be more than willing to listen. But the Supreme Court has so far called foul on that idea. So barring a Constitutionally approved, rigidly enforced level financial playing field, I’m happy that Obama had money falling out of hisโ€”umโ€”coffers. :mrgreen:

  8. Gavin Says:

    What I meant was: Matthew 23:24. We The People are so distracted by the trivial that we choose not to address the real problem.

  9. Uncle Andrew Says:

    You know, I thought about it more after I finished my reply yesterday, and of course you are right: nitpicking about a hundred and fifty—or two hundred, or three hundred—thousand spent on Palin’s wardrobe is beside the point, and somewhat petty. In a race whose war chests total in the hundreds of millions, this really is a gnat. On the other hand, I think most of us Dems like to rip on these sorts of things because a) they’re funny, and because b) the alternative is to run around screaming, “OH MY GOD WHAT CYNICAL CONNIVING PUPPETMASTER ASSHOLE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO PUT THAT AIRHEAD ONE HEARTBEAT AWAY FROM THE MOST POWERFUL POLITICAL OFFICE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD?!?!?!?”

    Your point is well taken, but you have to also understand that many of us feel that this election was a serious step towards dealing with the camel. You’re free to disagree—and I certainly understand why—but I think you would acknowledge that there is no real, authentic, hidden-agenda-free party of “throw the bums out”. Anyone who claims to represent such a movement is likely either bucking for armed insurrection, or their own chance at the brass ring and the tin trough (Ross Perot, anyone?). So you vote for the person whose values and intentions seem to best reflect your own, or who you think will do the most good for the collective despite your differences, and you count yourself lucky that you live somewhere where there are even two (or sometimes three) candidates from which to choose. Like ample food and potable water, it’s a luxury many don’t have. ๐Ÿ˜

  10. Gavin Says:

    Agreed. On all points.

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