
An Enigma Wrapped In A Cattle Disease Wrapped In A Frog

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 10:48 pm

It’s not terribly often that I come across something in my referrer log that I simply cannot parse, in any way, shape or form. Not even in an utterly contrived, solely-for-the-sake-of-a-lame-joke sort of way. This is one of those times.

Around five Saturday evening, someone in the Weymouth, Massachusetts area came across my blog on the heels of a Google search for….

brucellosis “crunchy frog”

Judging from the number of hits they got back, I rather don’t think their quest was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam: should your sojourns online by chance find you back here in the unfashionable corner of the Web, and should you just happen to stumble across this particular post, it would go ever so long a way toward allowing me a complete and restful night’s sleep if you were to answer a simple question: what in God’s name were you hoping to find?

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