

Filed under: @ 8:47 am

Ain’t summer grand?

Lavender Grosso.
The bush stands 3 1/2 feet high and in full bloom spreads about 4 1/2 feet wide. Every single time I walk past there are *at least* 20 bees bumbling about in that bush.
You can smell lavender from 20 or so feet away. And it’s been in full bloom since mid-July.

2 Responses to “Aaaahhh!”

  1. Mike Says:

    That’s got to smell awesome! does it waft into your home?

  2. Margaret Says:

    That one’s too far away from the house to waft. In the upper right hand corner of the photo you can see the family room window. In front of that window, and hidden by the raised bed is an 8 X 10 foot bed of various species of lavender. Which, when in full bloom, do waft most wonderfully.

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