
Reasonable People

Filed under: @ 9:07 am

Okay, I’m going to take this poll but I’m not going to tell you why.
After the poll results are in I’ll post the reason.

This is for everyone, but I will especially be interested in the opinions of the XY readers of Uncle Andrew.

Would you expect that a rubber band wrapped tightly enough around a scrotum and testicles to cut off the blood supply to be painless?
Is it reasonable to expect that a patient so treated, with castration as the eventual goal, would not suffer in the process?

It’s okay guys, I’ll wait until you stop crossing your legs and whimpering. 😛

4 Responses to “Reasonable People”

  1. Steve Says:

    Ow. I’ve gotta believe that hurts. And that there’s suffering.

  2. YakBoy Says:

    There is no doubt that it would hurt. You can easily simulate this.

    1)Wrap a rubber band around the end of your finger.
    2)Leave it there for a while.

    Does it hurt? Well there you go.

  3. fisherbear Says:

    I think that if rubber bands worked as anesthesia, Pfizer would have figured out a way to sell them to the VA for $250 a pop.

    They haven’t, ergo OW OW OW OW OW.


  4. Dalek Says:

    Would you expect that a rubber band wrapped tightly enough around a scrotum and testicles to cut off the blood supply to be painless?
    Is it reasonable to expect that a patient so treated, with castration as the eventual goal, would not suffer in the process?

    I would say the answer to both of your questions is NO. Possibly HELL NO. And yes, I’m aware that this is how certain ranches castrate their male livestock (sheep and goats mostly, I think, but for all I know they’re doing it on cows too these days). To which I say – ow ow ow.

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