
…And I For One Welcome Our RSS Overlords…

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 4:10 pm

I’ve been noticing a fair amount of RSS requests on my blog lately. Happy to see all of you getting your regular updates. I just hope that you’re not swarming to uncle-andrew.net to see the latest corrections of my many and varied typos. 😉

I was reading FridgeMagnet a few weeks ago when made the offhand comment that he doesn’t read anything that isn’t available through RSS any more, just doesn’t have the time. Personally, if I get to the point where I don’t have time to spend fifteen or twenty minutes perusing my favorite Web sites, that will be the moment when I have to decide to either give up the Web or give up working. Not sure I can live without either of ’em.

3 Responses to “…And I For One Welcome Our RSS Overlords…”

  1. Tricia SB Says:

    I was really amazed by how big RSS is now. On Action Figure Diary, I set up a mailing list sign-up form before I set up the RSS feed because I didn’t think that many of my friends were using RSS yet. Turns out that the RSS feed was much more popular than the mailing list.

    Personally, I prefer cruising my favorite sites to using a feed reader, but I think that part of that is aesthetic for me. I don’t just want to read the content, I want to see the site in whatever good or god-awful form the author presented it.

  2. Tricia SB Says:

    That said, I might consider using a feed reader at work if it made my brain-breaks more discreet on the company server.

  3. Uncle Andrew Says:

    That said, I might consider using a feed reader at work if it made my brain-breaks more discreet on the company server.

    Doesn’t really make much difference. Your access logs would show you went to http://www.uncle-andrew.net/blog/wp-rss2.php, which still looks like goofing off to the average manager.

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