
A question of semantics…..

Filed under: @ 5:29 pm

Arose at work again the other day.

And granted, while I do have an assistant who went to Catholic school, she is far too lapsed a Catholic at this point to be able to answer the question so I’ll present it here.

Through the miracle of transubstantiation the communion wafer is transformed into the body of Christ, no?

So if you take communion and then, for whatever reason, you vomit how do you dispose of the resultant waste in a way that isn’t sacrilegious?

Seeing that I’m a good pagan Unitarian I hate to be all Protestant, but if the answer is something less than “There’s a ceremony and prayers and the vomitus is buried in a special, sacred plot of land.” doesn’t that mean that you don’t actually believe in the miracle of transubstantiation and that the Protestants were right all along?

Yeah, we do talk about weird things at work.

One Response to “A question of semantics…..”

  1. fisherbear Says:

    I think you’re just supposed to feel guilty about it.

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