
From The Department Of Cool Useless Stuff Department

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 8:02 am

I wish I had enough surplus cash dribbling uncontrollably out of my many and varied orifices to be able to justify picking up my very own olde-timey rotary cell phone. That would be the point where I knew that I had “made it”. Hell, I’d buy two of ’em; one for the dashboard of my car.  😀

2 Responses to “From The Department Of Cool Useless Stuff Department”

  1. Scot Says:

    WTF. I’ll give you a couple of Dixie cups and some string. It’s cheaper and has about the same sound quality.

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    I’ll give you a couple of Dixie cups and some string.

    Man, I can’t even imagine what the roaming charges would be on that rig. 😀

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