Well, Slap My Face and Swipe My Candy….
Uncle AndrewGiven last year’s dismal then-new low of three Trick-or-Treaters, I didn’t hold out much hope for this year. By seven o’clock—well into the mooching hour, by my experience as a child—I had yet to see a single kid. Imagine my delight then when a—what term does one use to identify a large group of teenagers; a bother? An acne?—mass of Da Youf descended on our doorstep like a hormone-soaked wave crashing upon the shore:
[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.uncle-andrew.net/blog/movies/halloween_horde.flv[/flv]
Thirteen teenagers (the unmoving character in the background is Fernando, our zombie). All friendly, all, polite, and all, amazingly, in costume; not an underdressed sponge in the bunch. I was duly impressed When I complimented one girl on her Steampunk getup, one of her compatriots expressed appreciation that I was familiar with the term. To which I replied “I’m old, not ancient.” That got a laugh out of them.
All told, we got maybe twenty or twenty-five kids tonight, which is a dang good haul for this vicinity. Hope your Halloween was at least as fruitful….sans fruit.
2 Responses to “Well, Slap My Face and Swipe My Candy….”
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November 2nd, 2011 at 2:03 am
Awwwww, Uncle Andrew made some friends! (We won’t tell it’s because everyone your age already disintegrated.)
November 5th, 2011 at 5:30 pm
Damn whippersnappers, get offa my lawn!