
Yikety Yike Yikes

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 9:18 am

In case you aren’t a Fark or Slashdot reader, allow me to pass along a truly disturbing article posted on Wired:

Robot Identifies Human Flesh as Bacon

Not a great day to be a technology buff, lemmetellyou.  😯

5 Responses to “Yikety Yike Yikes”

  1. Gavin Says:

    Two questions come to mind, 1) do we have a picture of the bacon identified individual? This may resolve the confusion on it’s own. 2) What did the person have for breakfast?

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Did you read the article? Two separate individuals were identified similarly; one as bacon, then a skeptical cameraman was identified as prosciutto. Too close for comfort, in my opinion.

  3. Shawn "De-evolved man" Middelton Says:

    Indeed! This is why I shy away from anything more complex then a wheel or fire.

  4. Curt Says:

    As everything tastes like chicken it proves that humans are truly a divine species.
    “Blessed are the cheesemakers and those who taste like bacon!” FSM 0.42

  5. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Oh, God, that was just too poignant, Curt: you win the prize for best tangential comment ever. 😀

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