
Need one breeze pleeze!

Filed under: @ 12:16 am

I had to take a break from the garden today mostly because Tony and I filled most of the yard waste container yesterday but also partly because there’s absolutely NO breeze today and the air is so soggy today that you end up drenched in sweat just sitting at the dinner table.
Case in point. GAK!

It’s not that it’s particularly over warm today, maybe high 70’s to early 80’s, it’s just moist. Moist, moist, moist!

So we spent much of the day sitting under fans and drinking lots of ice water. Then we went into town on safari for some fish.
And for reasons as yet unclear to me, even though we’ve eaten the fish, we came home with sausage, soda, tuna, anti-fatigue mats, a big planter for a pot bound orchid that Tony and I unearthed that is, I swear I’m not making this up, as tall as my waist, kimchee ramen, spready cheese, and lots and lots of forks.

Tomorrow Andrew and I are taking Joan into Kaneohe for an orchid show and then Tony and I are likely to go out looking for wall blocks so I can build little retaining walls for a couple of shrubs that are threatening to take over one: the front walkway and two: part of the pool deck in the back garden.
I told the pool maintenance dude about the plan for the shrub over the pool deck and he was very happy. That shrub, apparently a plumbago, is lovely but damn close to carnivorous. It’s creeping over the pool deck, trailing into the pool, and I think if something isn’t done to discourage it it’ll be knocking on the back door before long.

There have been several birds picking at a chunk of rope from which a swing used to hang in the mango tree. It’s nesting season and we’ve been getting flocks of little tweedlebeeps in the morning. Apparently the tweedlebeeps like the rope. Libby says that the cardinals that have been resident at their house for generations like to pick the fuzz of of the back of the vinyl tablecloth that’s on the table on her lanai.

OH! And the gecko! We’re sleeping on the lanai like I said. Three walls of screens and at least one gecko. When I went out to go to bed the other night there was a mamma gecko on the outside of the screen right by our bed. I know she was a mamma gecko because, this is so cool, her skin is translucent and you can see her eggs through her skin.
But she was hanging out upside down on the screen (gecko toes have skin filaments that are so small that the gecko uses Van der Walls forces to defy gravity, did you know that?) and she was totally un-concerned about our presence. So I was able to get close enough to her to reach out and tickle her tummy through the screen. Geckos apparently like to be tickled.

Anyway, it’s bedtime now. As soon as I can be convinced that the elephantine cockroach that Libby just saw scuttle across the floor is nowhere in my vicinity I’ll be getting brave enough to actually put my feet on the floor and go to bed. Fucking hell! You want a good adrenaline rush just before bed? I’m halfway across the house from the damn thing and it was still too close for my comfort. I’d need to be about in the next county before I’d be comfortable in the vicinity of that thing. Yick!

If any of y’all are woken from sometime early tomorrow morning by a banshee shriek you’ll know that I found that roach.

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