
Happy birthdays!

Filed under: @ 11:11 am

January is, for my calendar at least, much like October is. Lotsa birthdays for people I care about, not enough time to have contact with them all. And most of them happening within one week of the month (what IS it with you people and your clumped birthdays anyway?!)

So for those of you I’m not going to see this January, happy birthday! Best wishes for the upcoming year, and thanks for being a friend.

Somewhat more unique birthday greetings go out to those people with whom I will have contact this week. Kinda birthday greetings in reverse. I’ve always felt that the parents, the mother especially, deserves congratulations and acknowledgement on their child’s birthday.

Joan and Tony: Thank you for my husband, my soulmate. My life would be a lonely place without him.

Mom and Dad: Thanks for my brother. I’ve always loved him dearly and I always will.

Now who wants some cake? Come over on Saturday, there will be lots.

6 Responses to “Happy birthdays!”

  1. Gavin Says:

    I turned 40 in December, do I get cake? Yes, it did hurt, thanks for asking.

  2. Margaret Says:

    Dude, if you were to be here on Saturday we would feed you cake until you forgot that you were 40.

  3. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Geez, I’m only gonna be 39. Get you a chair there, Grandpa? Or some stool softener? 😀

  4. Meg Says:

    Thanks for the reminder, Margaret. A very happy 39th (aren’t we ALL getting old!) to Andrew. I’m sure the cake(s) will be delicious–wish I could be there to partake!

  5. Tony Lenzer Says:

    You are very welcome, Margaret…we are simply delighted to have been able to turn him over to you!!

  6. Dalek Says:

    Happy b-day to Roo! I’ve no idea when you’ll be caking it Saturday, but whenever, enjoy the carbo-sugar buzz!

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