
It’s a PLOT!

Filed under: @ 4:11 pm

It’s a lousy, stinking PLOT! Or a suicide pact or something!

So we’re having our floors redone. Part of the labor that the floor goons will provide is to remove and replace our stove and our refrigerator. So we thought, being as we were paying someone to remove the refrigerator, AND seeing as the refrigerator is 21 years old, now would be an ideal time to get a new refrigerator.
I don’t like side by side refrigerators anyway, they’re too damn narrow and this one…… Well, to its credit, it hasn’t gone kaflooey yet. But it’s going to. And this way we can PLAN to move all our perishables into a cooler for several days instead of having to do it, say, just before our next party or something. Or after our next party (shudder). I’m not sure which would be worse. 😯

So anyway, we go down to Albert Lee Appliance whom long time readers of UADN may recall from our last remodeling saga. We looked over refrigerators, we compared sizes and interior capacities and energy efficiencies and so on and eventually we purchased a refrigerator. Now the new refrigerator won’t be installed until after the floors are done at the end of this month and maybe we were a little careless in talking about it in the kitchen.


Tuesday morning I got up at an obscene hour, ate my oatmeal, put my lunch together, and put my tea in the microwave so I’d have hot tea to take to work with me.
Open the door, put the teacup in the microwave, close the door, press the button, two minutes later you have hot tea. Pretty simple, right?
Except for Tuesday morning.
I pushed the button and…. no happy little microwaves speeding up my tea molecules.
I’m not exactly at my best at dark a.m. but I SWEAR I did everything correctly to start a microwave. I opened the door, I took my teacup out, I closed the door. I opened the door again, I put my teacup back in, I pressed the button and………

So this morning, now that Andrew is able to go without hydrocodone (he had surgery on his left hand again yesterday, did we mention that?), we packed up and went back to Albert Lee Appliance to purchase a bloody damn microwave!

In the 13 years we have lived in this house we have replaced the dishwasher, the stove, and the washer and dryer. There aren’t any major appliances left except the furnace and the hot water heater.

SSSshhhhhh! No one say anything!

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