
I wonder what the airfare is like?

Filed under: @ 1:31 pm

Some years ago I found, while watching a Blackadder episode (and as an aside, if you’ve never seen Blackadder I’d recommend it. It’s pretty damn funny.), what has to be my favorite threat of all time.
Faced with a catastrophe of his own making and wanting to avoid the consequences of same Blackadder states: “I’m going to Nepal to live as a goat!”

Yesterday I was involved in a discussion with one of my online veterinary buddies who was in the midst of contesting an unemployment claim. The fired employee said, in her claim to the unemployment commission, that she’d never been told that she had to show up to work or she’d be fired. That it wasn’t stated in my colleague’s employee manual that regular attendance at one’s job was a prerequisite for keeping same. The unemployment commission wasn’t questioning my colleague about why this twit had been fired, they were asking my colleague if it were true that her employee manual was so deficient. 😯

Today I went to Wild Birds Unlimited to pick up some sunflower seeds for our piggie, er, bird feeders. I got the bag of seed, schlepped it to my car and dumped it in the back. Then I noticed the wording on the back of the bag. “Directions: Open bag. Place seed in bird feeder.”

If we, as a society, have dumbed down to the point where it has to be explicitly written that one must show up to one’s job if one is to keep it, and that there is legislation that requires the producers of bird seed to put instructions for its use on the back of the bag I’ve only got one thing to say.


One Response to “I wonder what the airfare is like?”

  1. YakBoy Says:

    It is a mere 6,714 mi from here to Tibet. Goats can run about 15 miles per hour, so it would only take you about 19 days to run there if you wanted to save air fair!

    Wait… the Pacific Ocean is in the way… how fast can goats swim? Can goats swim?

    Forget I said anything. Maybe you better just buy a ticket.

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