
Kinda Busy Right Now

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 9:39 am

What with working the Flower and Garden Show, some advertising deadlines, building a new security server and configuring a new laptop for our extract lab manager, I haven’t had a ton of time to dedicate to entertaining you people. So I’ll do what I usually do in these circumstances: steal content from other people.

My brother sent me this the other day, and I think it’s hilarious:

Karaoke For The Deaf

Requires a Windows Media-compatible player such as—um—Windows Media for the PC, or QuickTime with the free Flip4Mac WMV Plugin for OS X.

2 Responses to “Kinda Busy Right Now”

  1. Antonio Says:

    That’s pretty funny. Glad it was in a Flip4Mac supported format….F4M is the necessity on my Mac.
    Have you seen this one: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/85892/chris_bliss/
    The quality isn’t that good. I think you can find it somewhere else in a WMV format that F4M will play, but the above link should do.

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Have you seen this one: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/85892/chris_bliss/

    Man, that was strangely mesmerizing….like watching the spectrum analyzer on a graphic EQ, or the visualizer in iTunes. Thanks for offering that up! 🙂

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