
Ah feckit, I can’t remember what number we’re on. Veterinary medicine is cool.

Filed under: @ 5:41 pm

So Margaret, what did you do at work today?

Bobo Before

Bobo Before

Bobo After

Bobo After

Nuff said.

GOD that’s satisfying!!

3 Responses to “Ah feckit, I can’t remember what number we’re on. Veterinary medicine is cool.”

  1. YakBoy Says:

    Okay, I can see you did some sort of repair around the nose area but i’ma need more details!

  2. YakBoy Says:

    Also, intubated animals are way cuter than intubated people. Great tongue action.

  3. Margaret Says:

    So before is Bobo with a GREAT HORRENDOUS bloody mass on the right side of is nose. The photo doesn’t really do justice to the 3-D quality of the problem I’ve got to admit. After is Bobo without the great horrendous bloody mass.

    In fact, it turns out that it was only _half_ of the great horrendous bloody mass. He’d bashed the other half of it off on the way to the clinic.

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