

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 11:56 am

My friend Gavin, majordomo of Puka Ranch, asked me to put up a little notice about the upcoming


And I said, “No way, Dude! Why on earth would I want to put a link on my site to the SECOND ANNUAL CALIFORNIA ALPACA PEN SALE AND COUNTRY FAIR? I don’t even own any High Quality California Alpacas, much less claim membership in the California Alpaca Sales Association. So just forget it, Man! Go peddle your SECOND ANNUAL CALIFORNIA ALPACA PEN SALE AND COUNTRY FAIR somewhere else!”

That a good enough Googlebomb for you, Gav? 🙂

2 Responses to “Plugtastic”

  1. Gavin Says:

    HA! Cool, thanks!! 😀 😀

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    My pleasure. I’m dying to see if it brings you more traffic, given what you said about you getting referrers from my blogroll link to your site.

    Hmm….it also occurs to me to wonder whether the folks that go on to search your Alpaca site might be the ones that get here by following some sort of “uncle” related Google search. 😯

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