
Snorty Snort Snort

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 3:11 pm

Still not quite up to speed; I was feeling almost perky yesterday and overdid things, and by bedtime I couldn’t drop off over the din of The Sciatic Nerve Beaver trying to pull my right leg apart like a hunk of string cheese. So I took a Percocet. Then another. Then I spent a good chunk of the remainder of the night with the first case of bedspins I’ve had since I was sixteen. I can’t believe that there are people who abuse these things recreationally; why not just put a plastic bag over your head and secure it with a rubber band?Anywho, just a brief post courtesy of my friend Mike, who forwarded this to me today. It’s a parody of an ad for Microsoft’s (somewhat) new Surface technology. Enjoy!

4 Responses to “Snorty Snort Snort”

  1. david Says:

    i would of course be happy to take care of those for you bring em to
    hawaii 🙂

  2. Uncle Andrew Says:

    Didn’t we go down this road at least once before, brother dear? 😯

  3. david Says:

    sorry about that roo was not my intension to make you feel strange or worried about my request i do totally understand
    your feelings it will not be mentioned again we do still live in very oposite worlds and i do respect your wishes
    see you guys at xsmass david

  4. Valerie Says:

    Hey! It is good to “see” you back online again!

    Now you’ve learned your lesson, don’t overdo again.

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