
The Nerdliness….It Calls To Me….

Uncle AndrewUncle Andrew
Filed under: @ 7:03 pm

In case you don’t wander the halls of Fark, Endgadget or Kotaku (and, if not, what the hell is wrong with you, got a life or something?), you may have missed this. A gentleman in Linden, Virginia has constructed a full-sized 80’s-style video game arcade on his property, filled to the rafters with classic coin-op video games. This guy has really done it up right: from the vintage posters on the walls down to the fluorescent space-themed carpet design glowing beneath the banks of black lights hanging from the ceiling, this setup is the coin-op enthusiast’s wet dream. Unfortunately, the arcade is only for the delectation of owner Peter Hirschberg’s family and close friends; it’d probably be worth a trip to the East Coast to visit the thing. Particularly seeing as how he has a vintage Atari Battle Zone game in his collection. I was a fiend on that particular machine: spent many an hour quaffing Coke Slurpees and playing on a single quarter down at the Kailua 7-Eleven. I bet if I got through that door, I’d still walk out only one quarter lighter. It’s all in the way you handle the missiles.

There’s an excellent little article about the arcade at washingtonpost.com.

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