
Ah fer’ the love of little green apples!

Filed under: @ 8:58 am



So when I went to see the hand specialist in October he said that this sort of thing usually will flare up on and off for a year or more before it calms down completely. He also said that the cortisone injection he gave me at that point would only last about six weeks and granted, I got about six months out of it, but come ON!

I went to see my regular MD on Friday because I could see her and get some sort of relief then instead of waiting to see the hand specialist two weeks from now.
My MD poked, prodded, and twisted and told me that, indeed, I was having a flare up. She wasn’t going to repeat the cortisone injection because really you can only get about three injections in that site before the tendon fails completely and you end up needing surgery.
So on Friday my MD sentenced me to the following: Rest, ibuprofen, ice, ice, rest, rest, ibuprofen, ice, and rest.
Told me I should take a few days off of work and that I should only go back when my arm wasn’t sore.
Listed a bunch of things that I shouldn’t do.
No typing.
No sewing.
Absolutely no knitting.
I can go walking but I’ve either got to let my arm hang or wear a sling (FAIL!).
I can read so long as I balance the book on a pillow on my lap.

I interrupted her at that point and said “So I guess that means I shouldn’t run the rototiller this weekend?”
To her credit, my MD has a sense of humor.

And yes, I’m breaking the “no typing” rule, but my shoulder, my elbow, and my wrist are currently supported in entirely neutral positions and none hurt. And being that the support is a pillow and Pogo, the support is a little lumpy and probably more mobile than is entirely recommended, but I’m comfortable and nothing twinges so we’re all good.
It was freakin’ murder to ignore a gorgeous, perfectly open Saturday and not plant, weed, or rototill.
And it is difficult, although not impossible if you’re conspiring with a pair of overachieving Martha Stewarts, to throw a baby shower with only one arm. The shower, at least, was a marked success.
So I’m going to spend today reading material that needs to be read for this week’s class, playing Scrabble and probably napping.
It’s hard to take time off if you’re feeling well and can’t do what you want or need to get done.
I never have been very good at Zen.

2 Responses to “Ah fer’ the love of little green apples!”

  1. Shawn Says:

    I will come over and roto-till any thing that needs to be done, just point and I will run it over. I am happy to help you out! Just let me know when.

  2. Dad Says:

    Well, Margaret, a splendid opportunity to get much, much better at Zen. It’s a life skill that might just come in handy, 50 or 60 years from now!

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