
Sunday 10 a.m.

Filed under: @ 11:29 pm

I collapsed last night. I remember seeing the clock at about 7:30 and I remember Andrew coming in and telling me to put my book down and go to sleep, but that’s about it.
My internal clock chimed at about 3 a.m., but it was dark and I was wearing ear plugs and I turned over and went back to sleep.
I woke up again at just before 7 because Andrew had a leg cramp and bolted out of bed. And I could hear…. well something….. through my ear plugs.
Not the window AC unit, it doesn’t make that much noise.
No, not the fan. Andrew shut it off before he came to bed last night.
Am I wearing my i-pod?
Nope, no wires.
What the hell is it that I can hear through my ear plugs?
Ye gods and little boarlets, it’s RAIN!!
And rain.
And rain.
And rain.
And rain.
And rain.
Did I mention it’s been raining?
Last night when we were in the pool there was at least 6 inches between the pool deck and the water.
This morning the pool was brim full. Tony and Vinnie got the drains draining before it overflowed completely, but even now, 4-5 hours later it’s pretty full up again.
Andrew and I went on a grocery run, we needed to get cake and other goodies for Tony’s birthday, and I have NEVER gotten so wet going from the car to a building.
Of course it’s rare that it’s warm enough for me to not care that I’m getting soaked, let alone that the rain is warm enough for me to not find paths around puddles, but I have really never seen it rain like this. I was literally dripping. Dripping on the floor. Dripping in the supermarket. Dripping in Tony’s Scion (which is a really nice little car for the record).
We’ve not done anything monumental today, it’s been too damn wet.
But when Andrew wakes up we may go wandering down to the beach and splash in puddles. My hair’s only just dried out again, but meh. What’s the difference. It’s humid enough that my hair never really dries anyway. The photos aren’t really very good because I literally couldn’t keep the lens dry for long enough to get a photo.

By 1000 p.m. (okay, it’s 9:30) it’s pretty much stopped raining, but it bucketed down all day. There’s drips from the ceiling, there’s puddles on the lanai, there’s erosion in the back yard, and there were ducks bathing in puddles at the ends of peoples’ driveways.
We had a lovely birthday dinner for Tony with two chocolate cakes one with 8 candles and the other with 1 candle. Tony has yet to decide whether he’s 81, 18, or 9.
I hope it doesn’t pour again tomorrow.

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